Wednesday 16 November 2016

By way of introduction, the next dozen or so blogs are gonna be a trip down memory lane, sort of. They will describe our 2015 trip to Europe, organized, booked and taken in a matter of weeks. You see, in late February of that year I was told by my Oncologist that it was time to start chemo treatments for my CLL because the numbers were getting out of control. Although this was not devastating news, it meant I would not be able to travel for the six months that the treatments would take. So I negotiated a start date with my doctor that would allow a quick trip across the pond before the first needle went in, literally. I was told that we had to be back by mid April.
Little did I know how easily a quick trip can become a major production. All you need to do is say... "We might as well go there. It looks really close on the map."

1 comment:

  1. Nice Trip Kari

    I read your blog very nice ,Hope you are feeling ok?
    Glad to hear your retirement is going well .Take care miss you
