Friday 2 June 2017

May 28 - Final Wrap - Jetlag is a bitch

Yeah, we've been home a week now and are still really bagged. Anyone who could come up with a solid way to handle jetlag would make millions.
Anyhow, working backwards, the flights were quite manageable. Not at all the horror show we expected. Venice to Frankfurt was only an hour and ten minutes. The connection was easy but boy is Frankfurt airport big. It seems more spread out than other airports. We used miles of moving sidewalks. Then the flight to Vancouver was a very pleasant surprise. We booked premium economy and on a Lufthansa 747 it really meant something. Priority boarding, comfortable seats with loads of legroom, better food, lots of service, good tv screen, good earphones (I watched three movies!). So we were ok, even though we had gotten up at 4 am.
Getting to the Venice airport was fun. We got a water taxi and they really move along. Where it got interesting was when we met boats returning from the airport, going the opposite way just as fast as we were. The marked lanes in the lagoon are really narrow, almost like driving down the road in a car so we were bouncing all over the place from the other boats' waves, holding on to each other and hoping the boat wouldn't break up. All the while the driver was on his cell phone, cool as a cucumber, probably asking his wife what was for dinner.
We had a great vacation. Exhausting but great. The only major thing we would change if we were to do it again would be to go a month earlier and go via London so we wouldn't have to do early mornings. It was starting to get hot, the bugs were waking up and so were the tourists. In fact we were told that May is the busiest time in Venice.
Our trip in a nutshell: Rome was amazing but we feel we "did it" so well that we don't need to return. Santa Margherita was a place we would go back to any time but we would make sure the apartment we chose had more of what we need. Venice was comfortable for us. We felt almost at home and would go back in a heartbeat if our plans took us that way. Cruising is not in our future plans for a while. If anything, we might do Alaska in a few years but that's all. Until next time...Ciao!

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