Sunday 24 September 2017


Yeah we were sad to leave our digs. No one was there this morning to say goodbye to, not even the dogs. Robin and Bel seemed to have gone out very early. Their car was gone. Good thing we did all that last night. If any of you guys ever find yourselves in the Cotswolds, you couldn't do much better than stay at Boyd Farm.
Returning the car was noneventful but since we had to leave the cottage by 1030, we had time enough for lunch before catching the train. A hotel dining room just across from the station served a nice Sunday roast chicken meal with all the trimmings. Perfect.
The train got us to Paddington with 10 minutes to catch the Heathrow Express followed by a very short taxi ride to our hotel. All very smooth. The hotel room is basic but newly refurbished. Good value for $100 and it includes breakfast.
Just think, our two weeks is up already. All we got left is the flight home. When we get to the airport we'll see if there are any upgrades possible. If not, our seats seem ok as is. We leave here at 5:20 pm and arrive home at 6:50 pm. See you all soon!

Saturday 23 September 2017

Mermaids and Fishes

This morning everyone was running back and forth between the big barn and the big house carrying all manner of stuff, preparing for a little ones' fifth birthday party at Boyd Farm. This went on for almost an hour and then car after car arrived carrying little boy fishes and little girl mermaids, the theme having been chosen by the birthday girl herself. The dogs and the chickens were scampering all around trying not to be run over. It was spectacular fun to watch and so typical of the wonderful stay we have had here.
Reluctantly, we had to pry our eyes away from the bedlam and concentrate on what we wanted to do on our last proper day here. The decision was to go to Castle Combe which many people consider the prettiest village in England and which was only about 12 miles from home. Who knew? All week we had prepared each day's outing, always on the lookout for pretty villages nearby but had not seen a single printed word written about CC, not even in Rick Steves' book, until this morning when we stumbled upon it on an obscure website.
What an inspired choice. CC was the most wonderful, unforgettable parting gift we could have given ourselves. A small village of Cotswold stone houses nestled along a rambling river at the bottom of a beautiful valley accessible by a very narrow country lane dropping from the ridge above. All right Kari, contain yourself!
The village has been there in some form or another since the 500's but came into its' own at the time of the wool trade in the 1700's and now thrives on tourism. It is still very rural as the horses (and the horse poop) clopping down High Street will attest and it is jaw droppingly beautiful. I lost count of the number of times Carol stopped in her tracks and uttered "OH MY GOD!" It didn't hurt either that the weathergods had given us a perfect, sunny, fall day.
We had lunch in the local inn on the Market Square in their rooftop courtyard overlooking the parish church. They served us the biggest hamburger we had seen in a long time. the meat patty had to be
1 1/2" thick and tasted delicious. (We shared). And of course, we had to finish with scones and clotted cream, one last time!

Friday 22 September 2017

Anyone for Non-Scones?

What a fantastic day we had today. Slept well enough, got up early enough and the weather was perfect enough. Enough enoughs already? With the start we got, we were in Bibury already at about the time we were getting out of bed yesterday. The reason we went to Bibury again was to get a good book on the Cotswolds that we had seen on our last visit there and to properly see the village. We also had locally grown trout for lunch which I found yummy but Carol not so much.
Then on to Bourton-on-the-Water which is considered to be the Venice of the Cotswolds because of its' canals. The first stop was at the tea rooms right in front of where we parked. Lesson for travellers: don't always take the easiest way. Although these tea rooms looked cute, their coffee was almost as bad as the White Spot and their scones were more like poor small copies of Sally Lunn buns. Just a few steps further along High Street were many cafes that looked much better AND overlooked the canals. Oh well.
Bourton is a very pretty village. High Street follows the main canal as it winds through the village. Beautiful trees and grand houses with lovely gardens line the canal and there is a generous pedestrian walk through it all. So picturesque.
On the way home we experimented with fooling the old TomTom and succeeded except for one roundabout which drove me (literally) crazy. More on that later. The way we did it probably took us a bit out of our way but it was a much calmer drive. We told it first to take us to Cirencester and then as we approached Cirencester, we reprogrammed it on the fly to take us to Tetbury and again as we approached Tetbury, we reprogrammed it to take us home. It kept us on roads we knew except for that one roundabout. It was like one of those British comedy sketches where a car goes around and around the roundabout because it can't find the correct exit. I just could've see it no matter how slow I went. The display on poor TomTom looked like a Gordian knot. Eventually, after trying all of the exits, TomTom gave us a pass and sent us along the correct road. I swear I heard applause from other motorists back at the roundabout.
We're home now, happy with our day but in need of a good glass of wine with half a Cornish pastie.

Thursday 21 September 2017

A day to Recharge

Maybe, finally, we can report that Carol has turned the corner and is feeling somewhat better. Yea! It might have had something to do with sleeping in until 11 this morning but whatever, it's good news. Just to be careful though we decided to only go back to Tetbury for another visit cause it's dead easy to get to and only 30 minutes away. Besides, it's a lovely town and HRH Prince Charles needs all the help he can get supporting his charities through sales at his Highgrove shop there. You'll be glad to hear we REALLY helped.
We had bangers and mash finishing with scones and clotted cream at The Snooty Fox, a pub that has been in town there since 1571. Yum. I think we're putting on weight with all this good eating!
On the way home we detoured via a couple of hidden gem villages and even walked thoroughly through a real beaut, meeting Katie, a lovely lady who lives there and chatting for quite a while. We promised her that we would become her neighbours as soon as we won the lottery.
At home we had a chance to get to know our hostess a bit better. Bel Mooney is a writer as we mentioned earlier. Apparently a well known one, having written and published many fiction novels, non-fiction books and is a regular (Saturday) advice columnist for the Daily Mail. She says she has a large web presence so check her out!
We also talked to her son, the ice cream man and film producer who gave us a tub of his organic ice cream to try. It's SOOOO good.
Well that's all for today. A short blog for a short but beautiful day. TTFN.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

How Do You Define Insanity?

It's about 7 pm and Carol is sound asleep in our bed. Now that you all know we are safe, I can tell you about our day without having you jump ahead to see whether we made it out of our time warp alive.
I can now fully understand a scifi story I read many years ago. In it, a self driving car was being programmed to drive around a race course as fast as possible. It did a couple of laps to set its' program. Towards the end of the second lap it skidded and hit the wall but kept going. In its' wisdom it decided that a skid and bump should be part of its' routine and as it speeded up it kept hitting the wall the same way each lap, faster and faster until it destroyed itself.
We didn't hit anything but we had the same sort of failure of logic today as our TomTom tried to guide us to Chipping Campden, which is not too much farther in the same direction we went yesterday. We don't understand why but it decided to send us along the motorway to London first. Motorways in Britain have the same overpasses as we do but they also have roundabouts mixed in, sometimes separately but disturbingly often, as part of a combination overpass/roundabout/exit, with traffic lights. So imagine an instruction like this: "stay right. In two hundred yards turn right, take the fourth exit and veer left." At every major interchange a typical motorway will have three to four lanes approaching exits, overpasses and roundabouts with up to five exits of their own and everyone is going 80 miles per hour. Oh, I forgot to add traffic lights into the mix. So we obviously can't count to 5 fast enough you say. You try it. Anyway, we made the same mistake over and over again and TomTom kept sending us back on the same stretch of motorway over and over again until we really felt we were in a weird kind of time warp. Eventually we managed to get off the motorway and find a place to stop to regroup. At that point we felt the best way to stay off the motorway was to tell TomTom to take us home which it did with flying colours and it chose the most beautiful scenic roads to do it on. Go figure. As we got close to home, we reprogrammed it to take us to Bath which it did and along the way we stopped at this lovely Inn for fish and chips. They had a two for one day! /we each got an entire cod fish, not a fillet but the entire goddamn fish and home made chips and mushy peas. It was incredibly delicious but we won't need to eat now for a week. In Bath we just walked around a bit and got our train tickets back to Heathrow for Sunday and then came home just as the rain started. Tomorrow we might try Chipping Campden again but we will fool TomTom by asking it to send us to Tetbury first and when we get there, quickly reprogram it to carry on to CC. Wish us luck! Insanity? That's when you do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome each time. TTFN.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

How Do You Spell Freedom? = NAV

Carol got some much needed help for her cold from Lloyd's Chemists today so we were able to get a good start with exploring the Cotswolds. I caught up with our landlord, Robin, before we left and he was able to loan us his TomTom as promised and off we went. OMG what a difference tech can make! Rather than worry about getting lost, we were able to relax and enjoy the scenery, knowing, no matter how narrow the country lanes, that we would get to our destination as long as we paid attention to the directions given by a rather lovely Irish sounding lass. Roundabouts became a piece of cake as long as we were able to count to 3, max, as in "in 300 yards go through the roundabout and take the third exit". Roads were a joy to drive along with glorious views of rolling, manicured Cotswold fields in every direction. God this is beautiful country. Small villages along the way were so beautiful that we could live in any of them in a heartbeat.
First stop Tetbury. A larger town than I expected but lovely just the same. Unfortunately I had left my phone home, charging, so no pictures were taken today but we will retain the memories of our stops forever. We had lunch in a beautiful garden at the back of a small cafe and then popped into the Highgrove shop across the street to see all of the products produced at Prince Charles' place somewhere nearby. Bought a calendar.
Next to Bibury which was a stunningly quintessential Cotswold village set in a pretty valley with a salmon bearing river running through it. While there we had scones with jam and clotted cream at the Swan, the swankiest hotel in town. Yummy.
We headed home just in time to arrive at our gate before it got dark. All in all, a perfect day.
And, to top it off, our cottage was toasty warm when we got in. (Last night we had frozen our buns off cause we couldn't figure out how to get all of the heaters working properly so tonight is a treat).

Monday 18 September 2017

Carol has a Code

It's been building for a few days now but this morning Carol exhibited all the signs of a full blown cold. My gawd can her nose run when it wants to! So it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone when I have to report that we got a late start again and that we had to cancel our meet with J&J or as they like to be called JX2.
As we were loading up the car we met the son-in-law of the owners who lives with his wife (the owners' daughter) and their own daughter in one of the other cottages on the property. A real nice family who sell organic ice cream at festivals out of a vintage VW ice cream truck from March to October and then produce "rubbish" TV shows through the winter. What with the father being a photographer, the wife being a writer and the kids being TV producers, this farm is a hotbed of creativity.
When we finally got underway, we decided to just go into Bath for a second day and see some of the sights we got a glimpse of on the bus yesterday. Needless to say, we got lost going in again but miraculously, after some dead ends, we found the same parking lot and set off on foot. First Carol wanted to see some dress/shoe shops that aren't in Canada and once that was out of the way we stopped at the oldest pub in Bath (1713) for a lunch of fish and chips and Guinness. Fish was ok but the chips tasted like they were made in 1713. Oh well. After that we toured the Roman Baths which were actually quite interesting because it really showed how clever the Romans were so long ago. Since we had time remaining on our parking ticket after that, we walked up to the Circus and then on to the Royal Crescent both of which are really spectacular townhouse developments. What we didn't know was that these developments were all about the beautiful facade, like Hollywood stage sets and in behind, the rooms of each townhouse were built in any higgledy piggledy fashion, depending on what the owner or developer wanted. If you go around the back and take a look, you see a gigantic huge mess of boxy rooms with no design sense or common rules at all.
As we were driving home a big thundercloud pounced and pelted us with rain. Wow we haven't seen anything like that for at least 6 months, since before our spring holiday. It stopped as quickly as it started so the saying seems to be true: "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes"....
No idea what;s up for tomorrow. We'll wait til we see how Carol is feeling

Sunday 17 September 2017

Unsalted Rarebit

We both had fantastic sleeps last night. Maybe we had decompressed enough or were over our jet lag, who knows, but we didn't get out of bed until 10:30! At about 1:00 pm we were off to Bath for the day which is only minutes down the road. Once near downtown Bath we did our usual getting lost trying to find parking. I think our fame has preceded us cause locals seem to phone ahead to alert their friends we are coming so they can be ready to misdirect us. Teenagers walking down the street, mothers in their gardens, whatever, we always pick 'em. Anyway, we finally found a nice central parking garage and without too much difficulty found Sally Lunn's bake shop and restaurant for a Welsh Rarebit lunch which was not too salty at all. (That comment was for Jennifer. Some kind of inside joke I think). That was followed by two hop on hop off bus tours back to back. One went around the hilly outskirts and showed us scenic overviews of Bath and the other was city focused going to such places as the Circus and the Crescent. Both were guided by these fantastic, humorous narrators who kept us entertained with their dry funny comments about the sights we were passing. For example, there are nine river Avons in Britain, all of them named by the Romans who asked the Celts the names of local rivers as they conquered the country.The Celt word for river was Avon so that's what they said to the Romans who then named each of them River Avon which is in effect, River River. No? They had better ones but we can't remember anymore. We just finished some nice Cornish pasties and wine so we're a bit foggy.
Our trip home to Bitton was all of 10 minutes today. Yesterday it was over an hour. Guess we're finding our way a bit.
We met the man of the house today. He had just driven 800 miles home from the French Alps where he is part owner of a chalet which is rented out to holidayers. Clearly a hotelier in the making. Seemed a very nice chap who we are interested in getting to know better over the next few days. He has offered to let us use one of his SatNavs for out trips to other Cotswolds towns which should help us not get lost. He says it is rather bossy but easy to get used to.
Tomorrow we are trying to meet up with J&J in Bath but haven't heard back from them yet. It's supposed to rain so we'll have to wait and see if we do meet them and what we will do with them.
Hope all is well back home. More tomorrow. Ta ta.

Saturday 16 September 2017

Oh, Oh, Oh.....Shit!!!

I think if I had gone to an astrologer when I was young, I would have been told to avoid driving in strange countries because I was genetically incapable of navigating. Especially in countries where everyone drives on the wrong side of the road and there are all these roundabouts with signs and arrows pointing every which way and you're trying to find yours at 40 miles an hour with cars zipping past you on both sides and beeping because you're going too slow and.......oh well, I'm getting ahead of myself a bit.
Again, a poor night's sleep for both of us plus Carol's morning didn't start so well either. Storm clouds brewing! We did however manage to get ready and packed in good time so we didn't have to rush breakfast thank God. Got a taxi to Paddington early enough so that we were able to try to catch the 12:00 train but to no avail, it was full so we waited for the 1:00. The ride was uneventful but as we got closer to Bath, the scenery improved tremendously. Taxi from the station to Europcar to get our rental (which is a really cute Citroen C3) and instructions for finding our cottage. Easy peasy and we were off!
What we didn't know was that we made a wrong turn at the VERY first opportunity to turn. We went left where we should have gone straight. As we drove along the A4 (we really needed the A371 but I thought I had remembered the rental guy say it was the same as the A4 - wrong!) which goes between Bath and Bristol, we stayed on it through uncounted roundabouts and turns. We were halfway to Bristol before we realized something was wrong so we turned around and tried to find our way back to the beginning so we could correct our initial error. Halfway back we ended up on a road taking us to Wells which we knew right away was wrong. Another u-turn.
I don't know how but we did finally find our way back to the beginning and got on the correct road and found Bitton. Yea!! But we weren't done yet. We found the lane to the cottage but felt we were going too far and must have missed our gate so we stopped a cyclist for directions. He gave us directions to a place many miles farther on while cars were lining up behind us patiently waiting for our exchange to end. Rather than start up right away, we pulled into this entrance a few feet up the road to let all those cars go by and guess what? The sign on the gate said Boyd Cottage. Our home!!
The "Oh, Oh, Oh.....Shit"? Country lanes are very narrow so every time a car came the other way we had to suck in our gut to make our car skinnier and Carol would yell "Oh, Oh, Oh.....Shit!" Because she was sure we would collide. I won't even try to describe our language when we were lost earlier in the day!
Anyway, we are now happily ensconced in our cute as a button cottage listening to the sound of a gentle rain on our roof. Wonderful. More tomorrow.Ta ta.

Friday 15 September 2017

A Complex Day

We didn't know about Parson's Green until a text from Christy reached us while we were having supper at Paddington Station. We tried to text back right away but my phone wouldn't. when we get back Telus is going to hear from me. Any way sorry if you guys were anxious.
Our day started badly because Carol had slept very poorly again and was so tired she had the shakes. Not a good sign. We had breakfast and then decided that a hop on hop off without the hops would be about all she could handle today so we got the longest one available and just sat/slept as London went by for four hours. We only got off at the Paddington hop because we needed to get tickets for tomorrow's trip to Bath. While there, we had a lovely lemon plaice supper with new potatoes and a glass of wine and then got on the bus again. (The last one for the day we found out later). We could only get as close to our hotel as the wrong side of Westminster Bridge so had to walk about 25 minutes in the dark and with a light rain falling but it was invigorating. It is now 8:40 pm and Carol is sound asleep, hopefully for the entire night. Oops, I hear coughing. She just about threw up but it's all better now. She's watching a documentary on Kate Middleton on the TV in the bedroom.
Next blog will be from Bath tomorrow night our time. Ta ta.

Thursday 14 September 2017

The Queen says Hello!

Yes! We had a good night's sleep. Carol was out like a log the whole night (it helped that she had half a Gravol!) Up about nine am and out for brekkies to our favourite Caffe and then a cab to Buckingham Palace where we met J&J for our tour. We started with The Queen's Gallery where there was an exhibition of Canaletto in Venice. It was interesting to see Venice as it appeared in the 1700's and try to pick out where we might have been last spring. then on to The Royal Mews where the State Carriages are kept. The horses are now kept down the road at the Horseguard's Stables. Wow, we'd take one of those carriages any day over a Rolls. Our final inside tour was the State Rooms which surprised us by their human scale. Sure, they were elaborate in their decoration sometimes but we didn't feel overwhelmed by them as happens in Versailles for example. Very interesting. Then a coffee stop in the Garden cafe overlooking the garden where the Queen has her summer garden parties and where Carol wants to be invited to attend with her granddaughters! We finished with a walk around the gardens which are an astonishing 42 acres of peaceful green in the heart of London.
That all took over 4 hours so in order to avoid collapse from hunger we ventured into the first pub outside the walls, called the Bag O' Nails and had a great meal of lamb shank pie, wine, beer and cider. No we didn't each drink ALL of those. Each of us had ONE of those. Then a cab back to our 'hood and a walk of discovery in the twilight down to the Thames, past Admiralty Arch, Whitehall, Old Scotland Yard and the Horseguards stables. We are now back home, it's 9:20 pm and Carol is blissfully snoring away. It must have been the fresh air!
Hop on hop off bus tour tomorrow and then a search for the oldest pub in London. We might have to sample ten just to be sure we find the right one. Wish us luck!

Wednesday 13 September 2017

A Harrod's Mannequin Tripped Me

We might have slept a half hour, between seven and seven thirty this morning. All I remember from a night of tossing and turning was Carol crying at one point over how much her back hurt. Awww, a pretty sad start, eh? Well, things improved remarkably fast once we showered and got ready because we found a neat Cafe very nearby which served full English breakfasts and GOOOOD coffee.
After filling up, we got a day pass for the tube and busses and went to Marble Arch where we walked down Oxford Street to M&S where I got a jacket to replace the one I had to throw away yesterday and to Selfridge's for lunch. then on the busses to Harrod's for a pee. I think we pee-ed at Harrod's on our last trip too! It's got great washrooms. On the way out a mannequin put her foot out and tripped me. I guess she wanted me to buy some perfume. After, we walked down Beauchamp Place and along Walton Road just admiring the high end shops and architecture. We even found a shop where Kate Middleton goes dress shopping. Then on the busses again to Trafalgar Square and home for a quick foot wash before heading out to supper at The Admiralty Pub which is right across the road from Canada House.
Two things we learned today: we prefer busses for getting around London, rather than the tube. You see stuff, they are less crowded and, once you figure out their routes, get you where you want to go quicker. We also found out how busy and noisy London pubs are. Wow, every man in London is at a pub somewhere. Great place to meet guys for sure.
All in all a great day. Jet lag must be behind us. Now if we can only get a good night's sleep.....

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Here We Go Again

A subtitle could be "Are you Crazy?" But you see, we need to do two more trips before we turn 75 next fall: one to England to say goodbye to Carol's roots and one to Scandinavia to say goodbye to mine. After that, we won't be able to afford travel insurance any more. Of course if we win the lottery, all bets are off. (The above was written before we left)
After our travel day today, I want to change the subtitle to "tomorrow has to be a better day". Our arrival at YVR was smooth and progress through check in and security was also smooth and pleasant (no crowds) but once we got into the secure area, hints at what was to come surfaced. First, there was no more Milestone's which is where we had arranged to meet J and J so a bit of a scramble but ok. Then our flight was delayed half an hour. Again, no biggie but our antennae were starting to tingle just a little bit by now. Then our seats. Yeah we know, the romantic business class sleeping pods, cosy and spacious, right? Boy, we can get a good night's sleep and wake up running, right? Not a chance in hell. And it normally costs close to $8000 per seat! Sure they are long enough with lots of leg room even when flat for sleeping but only if you're no taller than 5'-7". It's the width that killed us. We lay there like sardines, unable to turn or move our arms because the armrests on either side were holding us tightly in place. And it was freezing in there.
But the best part was the food. For appies we had scallops, long beans, squash purée and pepper slices. ALL COLD. The main was some super tough steak (Carol quickly gave up trying to cut it), potato fingerlings and broccoli. Dessert was a pear cheesecake. All washed down with a Cabernet Sauvignon. Sound great? Carol started complaining of a bad tummy almost right away. I waited for an hour and then my tummy rebelled. I never quite made it to the washroom but instead threw up in the aisle about 5 feet from the door. Thankfully I only ruined some carpet, not anyone's holiday outfit! Inside the washroom I continued and ruined my brand new jacket and the washroom itself which was labelled unusable for the rest of the flight.
The crew were marvellous throughout, mopping up as best they could, consoling me and all that but by the time I staggered back to my pod, there was no sleep in me.
The process through Heathrow was uneventful as was our shared taxi ride in. Our hotel is ok. Great location just steps top Trafalgar Square but again our food weird experience continued. We thought a quick snack before turning in would be a good idea so went to this "Italian" place around the corner, recommended by the concierge. First we asked for carbonated water and received, in turn, a bottle of wine, flat water and then Perrier. Next we ordered a simple pizza which arrived surpisingly quickly because it was still cold! As I said above, tomorrow has to be a better day! Nighty night.