Saturday 16 September 2017

Oh, Oh, Oh.....Shit!!!

I think if I had gone to an astrologer when I was young, I would have been told to avoid driving in strange countries because I was genetically incapable of navigating. Especially in countries where everyone drives on the wrong side of the road and there are all these roundabouts with signs and arrows pointing every which way and you're trying to find yours at 40 miles an hour with cars zipping past you on both sides and beeping because you're going too slow and.......oh well, I'm getting ahead of myself a bit.
Again, a poor night's sleep for both of us plus Carol's morning didn't start so well either. Storm clouds brewing! We did however manage to get ready and packed in good time so we didn't have to rush breakfast thank God. Got a taxi to Paddington early enough so that we were able to try to catch the 12:00 train but to no avail, it was full so we waited for the 1:00. The ride was uneventful but as we got closer to Bath, the scenery improved tremendously. Taxi from the station to Europcar to get our rental (which is a really cute Citroen C3) and instructions for finding our cottage. Easy peasy and we were off!
What we didn't know was that we made a wrong turn at the VERY first opportunity to turn. We went left where we should have gone straight. As we drove along the A4 (we really needed the A371 but I thought I had remembered the rental guy say it was the same as the A4 - wrong!) which goes between Bath and Bristol, we stayed on it through uncounted roundabouts and turns. We were halfway to Bristol before we realized something was wrong so we turned around and tried to find our way back to the beginning so we could correct our initial error. Halfway back we ended up on a road taking us to Wells which we knew right away was wrong. Another u-turn.
I don't know how but we did finally find our way back to the beginning and got on the correct road and found Bitton. Yea!! But we weren't done yet. We found the lane to the cottage but felt we were going too far and must have missed our gate so we stopped a cyclist for directions. He gave us directions to a place many miles farther on while cars were lining up behind us patiently waiting for our exchange to end. Rather than start up right away, we pulled into this entrance a few feet up the road to let all those cars go by and guess what? The sign on the gate said Boyd Cottage. Our home!!
The "Oh, Oh, Oh.....Shit"? Country lanes are very narrow so every time a car came the other way we had to suck in our gut to make our car skinnier and Carol would yell "Oh, Oh, Oh.....Shit!" Because she was sure we would collide. I won't even try to describe our language when we were lost earlier in the day!
Anyway, we are now happily ensconced in our cute as a button cottage listening to the sound of a gentle rain on our roof. Wonderful. More tomorrow.Ta ta.

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