Saturday 23 September 2017

Mermaids and Fishes

This morning everyone was running back and forth between the big barn and the big house carrying all manner of stuff, preparing for a little ones' fifth birthday party at Boyd Farm. This went on for almost an hour and then car after car arrived carrying little boy fishes and little girl mermaids, the theme having been chosen by the birthday girl herself. The dogs and the chickens were scampering all around trying not to be run over. It was spectacular fun to watch and so typical of the wonderful stay we have had here.
Reluctantly, we had to pry our eyes away from the bedlam and concentrate on what we wanted to do on our last proper day here. The decision was to go to Castle Combe which many people consider the prettiest village in England and which was only about 12 miles from home. Who knew? All week we had prepared each day's outing, always on the lookout for pretty villages nearby but had not seen a single printed word written about CC, not even in Rick Steves' book, until this morning when we stumbled upon it on an obscure website.
What an inspired choice. CC was the most wonderful, unforgettable parting gift we could have given ourselves. A small village of Cotswold stone houses nestled along a rambling river at the bottom of a beautiful valley accessible by a very narrow country lane dropping from the ridge above. All right Kari, contain yourself!
The village has been there in some form or another since the 500's but came into its' own at the time of the wool trade in the 1700's and now thrives on tourism. It is still very rural as the horses (and the horse poop) clopping down High Street will attest and it is jaw droppingly beautiful. I lost count of the number of times Carol stopped in her tracks and uttered "OH MY GOD!" It didn't hurt either that the weathergods had given us a perfect, sunny, fall day.
We had lunch in the local inn on the Market Square in their rooftop courtyard overlooking the parish church. They served us the biggest hamburger we had seen in a long time. the meat patty had to be
1 1/2" thick and tasted delicious. (We shared). And of course, we had to finish with scones and clotted cream, one last time!

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