Friday 15 September 2017

A Complex Day

We didn't know about Parson's Green until a text from Christy reached us while we were having supper at Paddington Station. We tried to text back right away but my phone wouldn't. when we get back Telus is going to hear from me. Any way sorry if you guys were anxious.
Our day started badly because Carol had slept very poorly again and was so tired she had the shakes. Not a good sign. We had breakfast and then decided that a hop on hop off without the hops would be about all she could handle today so we got the longest one available and just sat/slept as London went by for four hours. We only got off at the Paddington hop because we needed to get tickets for tomorrow's trip to Bath. While there, we had a lovely lemon plaice supper with new potatoes and a glass of wine and then got on the bus again. (The last one for the day we found out later). We could only get as close to our hotel as the wrong side of Westminster Bridge so had to walk about 25 minutes in the dark and with a light rain falling but it was invigorating. It is now 8:40 pm and Carol is sound asleep, hopefully for the entire night. Oops, I hear coughing. She just about threw up but it's all better now. She's watching a documentary on Kate Middleton on the TV in the bedroom.
Next blog will be from Bath tomorrow night our time. Ta ta.

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