Wednesday 13 September 2017

A Harrod's Mannequin Tripped Me

We might have slept a half hour, between seven and seven thirty this morning. All I remember from a night of tossing and turning was Carol crying at one point over how much her back hurt. Awww, a pretty sad start, eh? Well, things improved remarkably fast once we showered and got ready because we found a neat Cafe very nearby which served full English breakfasts and GOOOOD coffee.
After filling up, we got a day pass for the tube and busses and went to Marble Arch where we walked down Oxford Street to M&S where I got a jacket to replace the one I had to throw away yesterday and to Selfridge's for lunch. then on the busses to Harrod's for a pee. I think we pee-ed at Harrod's on our last trip too! It's got great washrooms. On the way out a mannequin put her foot out and tripped me. I guess she wanted me to buy some perfume. After, we walked down Beauchamp Place and along Walton Road just admiring the high end shops and architecture. We even found a shop where Kate Middleton goes dress shopping. Then on the busses again to Trafalgar Square and home for a quick foot wash before heading out to supper at The Admiralty Pub which is right across the road from Canada House.
Two things we learned today: we prefer busses for getting around London, rather than the tube. You see stuff, they are less crowded and, once you figure out their routes, get you where you want to go quicker. We also found out how busy and noisy London pubs are. Wow, every man in London is at a pub somewhere. Great place to meet guys for sure.
All in all a great day. Jet lag must be behind us. Now if we can only get a good night's sleep.....

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