Monday 18 September 2017

Carol has a Code

It's been building for a few days now but this morning Carol exhibited all the signs of a full blown cold. My gawd can her nose run when it wants to! So it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone when I have to report that we got a late start again and that we had to cancel our meet with J&J or as they like to be called JX2.
As we were loading up the car we met the son-in-law of the owners who lives with his wife (the owners' daughter) and their own daughter in one of the other cottages on the property. A real nice family who sell organic ice cream at festivals out of a vintage VW ice cream truck from March to October and then produce "rubbish" TV shows through the winter. What with the father being a photographer, the wife being a writer and the kids being TV producers, this farm is a hotbed of creativity.
When we finally got underway, we decided to just go into Bath for a second day and see some of the sights we got a glimpse of on the bus yesterday. Needless to say, we got lost going in again but miraculously, after some dead ends, we found the same parking lot and set off on foot. First Carol wanted to see some dress/shoe shops that aren't in Canada and once that was out of the way we stopped at the oldest pub in Bath (1713) for a lunch of fish and chips and Guinness. Fish was ok but the chips tasted like they were made in 1713. Oh well. After that we toured the Roman Baths which were actually quite interesting because it really showed how clever the Romans were so long ago. Since we had time remaining on our parking ticket after that, we walked up to the Circus and then on to the Royal Crescent both of which are really spectacular townhouse developments. What we didn't know was that these developments were all about the beautiful facade, like Hollywood stage sets and in behind, the rooms of each townhouse were built in any higgledy piggledy fashion, depending on what the owner or developer wanted. If you go around the back and take a look, you see a gigantic huge mess of boxy rooms with no design sense or common rules at all.
As we were driving home a big thundercloud pounced and pelted us with rain. Wow we haven't seen anything like that for at least 6 months, since before our spring holiday. It stopped as quickly as it started so the saying seems to be true: "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes"....
No idea what;s up for tomorrow. We'll wait til we see how Carol is feeling

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