Thursday 11 May 2017

May 11 - First Day in Sta. M. L. - What a Night

The beds and pillows are made from this cheap latex foam. IMPOSSIBLE to get comfortable. We tossed and turned for hours but finally fell into a stupor cause we were so tired. No sooner had we done that than Carol sat bolt upright and said there's someone in the room. (Ghosts?). Talk about spine tingling! Of course there wasn't but we sure didn't get back to sleep for quite a while. Eventually morning came and despite everything we realized we couldn't afford to leave and find something better because the apartment fee was non-refundable by this time. So we decided our minimum needs in order to stay, were an electric kettle and two mugs for the mornings, which I went out and bought and a good Americano with pastries NOW to get our blood moving. Done and done. Next we took advantage of the washing machine and did three loads of laundry which we hung out to dry on the balcony just like the locals. I spent some time reading Rick Steves and found that our apartment is right in the centre of the action here. In fact, many of his recommendations for hotels, restaurants, shops, churches and walks are right around us. We are in Sta. M.L.'s main pedestrian zone, very reminiscent of my apartment in Nice Old Town when I was on my mystery trip. The apartment in fact has that same rundown neglected feel.
We had a nice outing this afternoon down to the waterfront which is closer that we thought. Yesterday we went there the long way. Today we stumbled on a shortcut which means the beach is just around the corner, literally. Sat on a bench warmed by the sun and watched the world go by (mostly German tourists). We also went to a local pizzeria recommended by Rick Steves. Probably on a par with Naples. Delicious. Our 'hood is really growing on us. Has a local feel. Some tourists sure but lots of friendly locals.

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