Tuesday 9 May 2017

May 9 - Sixth Day in Rome - Renewed Energy

Today was our last full day here. What to do? Well, if you remember day four when we were disappointed in Trastevere, we thought to give that quest another chance and go to where the Jewish Quarter really is. (As in, here it is on the map!).
Again, we seemed close to failure but Carol sensed we were really close because she recognized some of the scenes from the TV show. We walked around but were stumped until a very nice gentleman from Milan stopped to offer help. He knew the bakery! And we found it. Phew. As a bonus, he told us of a hole in the wall pizzeria around the corner which, according to him, had the best pizza in Rome. First to the bakery. We could have walked past it all day without noticing it because it had no name and was so small but we should have guessed by the crowds at the door and the aroma wafting out. And it was wonderful. And we bought too much. And we met the three cranky sisters. And we told them we had seen them on TV. And we got a picture with them. Perfect.
Next,  to the pizzeria. The guy from Milan was right. Normally we wouldn't have been caught dead there. Just like a dive in the DTES but the pizza was like wow. We had a slice of mushroom, a slice of scalloped potato and a slice of smoked salmon. God they were good.
A taxi home and a nap followed by an evening of window shopping, seeing  really great small Italian fashion shops that we wouldn't ever see in Vancouver and a final dinner at our favourite local restaurant. Champagne, wine, pasta, risotto, limoncello and espresso. Perfect. We said fond farewells to the waiters and barely found our way home, even though it was just around the corner. It's now 2130 and Carol is sound asleep. We're gonna need Santa Margherita tomorrow to relax and rebuild our bodies after this hectic week. it was definitely worth it but it's time for a holiday from our holiday!

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