Friday 12 May 2017

May 12 - Second Day in Sta. M.L. - Twisted Bodies

The nights are getting better. Either our bodies are learning to conform to the foam beds or the drugs Carol is taking (antihistamine, Motrin, milk of magnesia) numbs her body enough that it doesn't care any more, but we are getting the sleep we need. It's weird but Carol's allergies are kicking up a storm (that's the reason we had to get an antihistamine from the drugstore). There must be something exotic floating around here that she's breathing in.
Anyway, we just finished breakfast on our balcony. I got americanos and the best croissants we've ever tasted from the local cafe/bakery. The lady there is sweet. She remembers me and can rattle off our order as soon as I walk in the door. I'm writing this on the balcony now while Carol is showering, etc. The day looks promising. Partly cloudy, nice breeze, not hot at all. I can see breakers on the waves out to sea (the Ligurian sea). Eat your hearts out back in Vancouver!
We went for a walk up a local hill to a place called Villa  Durazzo, a palace overlooking Sta. M.L. Which has great views and a phenomenal garden. We could see our own balcony through the trees once we got there. After a good look around we headed back down via the seaside promenade and found this great restaurant nestled against the hillside looking out at the water. Had breaded veal cutlet, fries, wine, grilled veg and espresso. We sat at an exposed table and half way through the meal it started raining so a mad dash undercover to continue the meal with everyone carrying plates of food and glasses of wine. Our waiter reminded us of a character out of Seinfeld. Equal parts efficiency, inefficiency and fun. We got along great until we asked for some milk for our espressos. One does not do that in Italy. Alas, the budding relationship was FINITO.
If the weather cooperates, it's off to a Super Cinque Terre tour by boat tomorrow.

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