Saturday 20 May 2017

May 20 - Third Day in Venice - Flying Bows

I couldn't decide between the sub-title I chose and this one: "the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain but in Venice it falls on your head". I'll let you decide, after reading today's blog, which one is more suitable.
Today started slowly. We were supposed to rest until the concert tonite so only went out when we got hungry and only went to the Marco Polo restaurant which is directly beneath our apartment. So far , so good. After we finished lunch, Carol said she needed tiramisu from our favourite tiramisu Cafe across town so off we trudged. We got there and had a good natured disagreement with the waiter about where to sit. He wanting us to sit at a table for two and us wanting to sit at one for four. It wasn't busy so we didn't see the harm in it. In the end another staffer said to our waiter to let it go cause we had been there yesterday and had complimented them on their tiramisu. While we were enjoying ourselves it started pouring outside and continued to do so. Carol didn't want to get wet (and have to get ready all over again for tonight) so had me run up the street and buy an umbrella, the second one so far on this trip. We got home ok but I got soaked cause the umbrella was too small for two. Interesting things, umbrellas, in Venice. If you imagine walking one way along a lane not quite wide enough for two, holding an umbrella and facing an endless stream of umbrellas heading your way, you might appreciate that collisions will happen and umbrellas will become intertwined occasionally. I lost Carol a couple of times because she was busy untangling herself from complete strangers.
On another note (great segue, eh?) the concert was fabulous. It was in a small chapel just off St. Mark's square. The group was the San Marco Chamber Orchestra, seven strong. Four violins, a cello, a bass and a harpsicord. They played Vivaldi's Four Seasons, a couple more Vivaldi pieces and one by Bach. We didn't want it to end. As we were leaving, I invited them to Vancouver on behalf of EMV! The weather was fresh and cool. We didn't want to go straight home so we stopped at a nice local bar and had a snack with wine. We dallied and eventually noticed we were the only ones in the place (it was packed when we entered) and asked when they closed. The waiter replied in a rather strained voice "now". We got the hint, paid, and went home.
It was a great day. We didn't get lost once. Must be getting used to the place. Ciao.

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