Tuesday 23 May 2017

May 23 - Sixth Day in Venice - It's All About Choices

We started our day with a fascinating visit to a Bucelatti goldsmiths exhibition at a museum in St. Mark's square. Carol knew of them (from mags) and really liked their stuff so this was a treat for her and I have to admit the stuff that family has been doing for three generations is incredible. Also it was in a fabulous palazzo which made the setting super too.
After, because we happened to be nearby, we had our tiramisu. Only this time we added a large salad so we could feel chuffed that we finally ate something healthy.
 Next, out to the lagoon. We couldn't decide between Murano or Burano. Murano is glass and we had seen some stunning modern stuff here in shops already so it was tempting. Also, the trip there seemed easier.  Burano is lace and neither one of us is into lace but...the island is supposed to be much prettier than Murano. Tough choice.
 In the end we went to Murano. Wrong. It's just one factory (or as they call them, fornace) after another making exactly the same jewelry and chandeliers and vases as the next one. Not a creative modern, cheeky piece to be found. And the canals and buildings were drab to boot and hot. So it was a short visit. Not even the 40 minute vaporetto ride was interesting because after the first ten minutes the landscape was mostly industrial.
On our return, we decided to wander home a new way and by sheer accidental good luck stumbled on this fabulous ladies clothing shop (Carol was still looking for that top). The front showroom was normal and full of very interesting stuff alright but then the sales clerk wanted to show us the rest of the place because we were the only customers at the time and took us through an open courtyard into the back where there was this small, shaded, cool room almost hanging over a small canal. A large window with an oriental looking screen let us watch gondolas passing by without them being aware that we were literally inches away watching them. You never find such places by looking for them. They have a way of finding you.
On the final leg home we found Carol's "top" shop and a Bucelatti store we had been searching for since our last trip two years ago. All in all a successful day despite Murano. In the evening, once it cooled down a bit we explored parts of our 'hood that we haven't seen before and found two wonderful restaurants literally five minutes away. Oh well, next trip! Ciao.

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