Sunday 14 May 2017

May 14 - Fourth Day in SML - Amalfi Coast Redux

Today was Portofino day. We went by bus and the road from SML to there is just like the road down the Amalfi coast. Narrow, windy, often one way at tight bends. Cars having to back up when we came along cause there just isn't enough road width to accommodate both sometimes. The only difference was that here we weren't too far above the water. Also, the bus was full to the gunwales, standing room only, everyone swaying to the rhythm of the bus. It was fun but we were glad it only lasted 20 minutes.
Portofino is another magical place. Much smaller than Vernazza and way more upscale but the same beautiful Italian coastal village feel. Two years ago we were here for two hours, today five and we believe we saw it well. Lunch was on the edge of the harbour, a mix of local fried fish,  grilled veg and potatoes. Very tasty and healthy. Some bigwigs were in town having come in on their multi million dollar yachts which were parked right there. Very posh.
We returned to SML by ferry, a neat alternative to the bus cause you see all of the coast from the water and quicker too, only fifteen minutes.
Back in SML we ran into a couple from NYC (an apartment on Fifth Ave no less) who were here for a month and were thinking of renting a place here for a year, using it three or four times and then letting their friends use it when they weren't there. We signed up to be their friends right away!
The weather tonight is very pleasant but just chilly enough that we can't sit out on our balcony for too long. We'll bundle up and go for a stroll in our 'hood soon and tomorrow we have to call TD bank back home cause we can't seem to withdraw any money from the ATM's any more. Weird. Ciao!

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