Monday 22 May 2017

May 22 - Evening Extra!

At sunset this evening we decided to head to St. Mark's square just to get some air. The place is just phenomenal at night. Not busy but active. There are four orchestras at the four famous cafes ringing the square, each competing but not too strenuously for customers. People seem to wander back and forth from one to the other, depending on the music being played. The first one we came to was playing an Argentine tango and a couple were dancing, quite well, to the music. The next one was doing a waltz from Evita which I love so WE danced. Can any of you imagine me dancing in St. Mark's square in public? Carol for sure but me? It was great. We wandered over to the third one and danced some more and as we were swaying to the music, a rose peddler put a long stemmed red rose on Carol's arm and walked some 15 steps away before we noticed and looked up. Carol said I'd better give him something so he came back and I gave him 2euro. He said MORE! So I gave him another euro. HE SHOOK HIS HEAD! The little bugger. In the end I gave him all my change, another 80 cents or so and said that's all I have. Do you want your rose back? He frowned theatrically then smiled and left. I sent a separate video of Carol dancing to the strains of the Baccarole (?) from the Tales of Hoffmann.She impressed the hell out of me when she rattled off what that music was! The only reason we left was that we were beginning to attract mosquitoes. Nasty little critters.
Nighty night!

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